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New: SSO Support and Certificate Based Authentication for Cisco AnyConnect VPN

By GabrielleJanuary 31, 2023No Comments

The first VPN Tracker update of 2023 brings major changes for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN users, plus split tunneling for PPTP, a smart life hack for users with multiple connections, and much more.

Find out everything that's new in VPN Tracker for Mac version 23.0 and VPN Tracker for iPhone & iPad version 1.3.0 in the update guide below.

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What's new in VPN Tracker?

Single Sign-On (SSO) for Cisco AnyConnect SSL

This update introduces SSO support for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN connections. This includes support for both regular and web-based single-sign-on flows: log in to Cisco AnyConnect connections via the web using the company credentials for your Identity Provider (e.g. Microsoft Azure.)

SSO support is particularly useful for larger organisations and enterprises onboarding multiple users. No more remembering multiple logins and passwords — securely share connections with large groups of users via TeamCloud who can connect in seconds using a familiar login flow.

Sign in to your Cisco AnyConnect VPN via SSO using your company credentials

Tip: 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) is also supported by VPN Tracker, giving your Cisco AnyConnect connections an extra layer of security.

At a glance: Supported authentication methods for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN

VPN Tracker supports the following authentication methods when connection to Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN:

  • Password-based
  • Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA)
  • NEW: Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • NEW: Certificate-based

Coming soon: SSO for VPN Tracker

As well as Single Sign-On support for your VPN connections, we're also introducing SSO to the VPN Tracker app! Soon, users will be able to log in to VPN Tracker on Mac, iPhone and iPad with their company credentials. Get early access →

Also new in the latest VPN Tracker version 

The latest update also brings the following improvements to VPN Tracker for Mac, iPhone & iPad:

Recently-used connection sync 

Sync your last-used VPN connections to your my.vpntracker account for instant access across all your devices – productivity made easier:

Quickly access your recently-used connections on all your devices

Service status notifications 

Stay up to date and be notified in realtime about scheduled maintenance or in the rare event of disruptions to the VPN Tracker service so you can prepare your team accordingly.

Traffic Control for PPTP (macOS exclusive)

VPN Tracker now supports Traffic Control for PPTP connections, allowing you to specify which networks to access over VPN (with macOS Big Sur and later.)

Set up Split Tunneling for PPTP connections using Traffic Control

Further improvements

  • AnyConnect: Connections will now use DTLS when available, for improved performance
  • AnyConnect: The network information view now displays your local IP address on the VPN network
  • Fortinet SSL: Support for additional connection setups using 2FA
  • Improved connection list UI performance
  • Improved error messages for certain connection errors
  • Stability and performance updates

How to update

This is a free update for all existing VPN Tracker users.

For Mac users: To update to VPN Tracker version 23.0, go to VPN Tracker > Check for updates:

Alternatively, you can download the latest version here.

For iOS users: Version 1.3.0 will be rolling out over the next few days. Get the latest version from the App Store.

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