Download the latest version of VPN Tracker 365 for Mac from the VPN Tracker 365 website.
Install the App
Once downloaded, click on the VPN Tracker 365 Icon in your Downloads Folder:

The system will asks you if you want to open the downloaded app. Confirm by pressing "Open"
In Order for VPN Tracker to work correctly, it needs to be moved to your Applications folder. Confirm the move by clicking on: Move to "Applications"
In the next step enter your password to confirm the move.

Install the VPN Engine
Next VPN Tracker will need to install the VPN Engine.
Important: This step must be completed on the machine. It cannot be done remotely (i.e. via Remote Desktop)
Step 1: Install VPN Engine Helper

Press Continue to start the installation of your VPN Engine
Enter your password to confirm the Installation of the VPN Engine Helper and click Install Helper

Step 2: Network Extension Setup

VPN Tracker needs to add a Network Extension to your Mac in order to function properly. This needs to be approved by you before being allowed to use the app.
Click on Open Security Settings to open up Settings.
The system will ask you if you want to enable the system extension for VPN Tracker. Press "Open System Settings" to continue.

Scroll down to the Security section and press the "Allow" button next to the text: System software from application "VPN Tracker 365" was blocked from loading.
Step 3: Allow VPN Configuration
VPN Tracker needs to apply a VPN Configuration to your Mac. Click on Allow VPN Configurations to start.

In the Window that opens, press on "Allow"
You're all set! VPN Tracker is successfully installed.
Continue by signing in, or creating an account.