
How Tos

All About SSL VPN – it ain't pretty but it works

Even for regular end users, SSL is one of the most widely-recognized VPN protocols, largely due to the fact that major VPN vendors such as SonicWall and Cisco have been using it in their proprietary protocols for years. In this post, we take you through the origins of SSL, including…
November 15, 2023

Why VPN tunneling over TCP sucks!

Keep reading to find out everything that’s wrong with TCP, what ‘TCP meltdown’ is, and why you should absolutely choose a different protocol for your VPN.
October 18, 2023

How safe is PPTP VPN and should I stop using it?

It's no secret that PPTP has a bad rep these days, but why is PPTP VPN considered to be unsafe and how bad is it really? In this post, we shine the spotlight on PPTP, covering its origin story, its well-known flaws and just how it has managed to stick…
September 13, 2023

3 Pros and Cons of WireGuard VPN

Alongside the clear benefits WireGuard provides, it also comes with some major drawbacks. In this post, we take a deep dive into the main pros and cons of WireGuard VPN, as well as how it fairs against other VPN protocols.
August 30, 2023
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