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How Tos


Connect to PPTP VPN on Mac

Need to connect to PPTP VPN on your Mac? Apple removed the built-in support for PPTP VPN connections in 2020. But there is an easy way to use PPTP VPN on your Mac that doesn't require you to keep using an older macOS version.
February 24, 2023
CiscoDevicesHow TosNext-Gen Firewalls

Set up VPN for a Cisco FirePower Firewall

About Cisco Firepower Firewalls Cisco Firepower Next Generation Firewalls offer security-conscious business users high performance protection for their network. These powerful VPN firewalls come with a diverse spec designed to suit a range of use cases, from small businesses and branch offices, all the way up to enterprise and data center…
February 7, 2023
How Tos

How to Set Up Split-Tunneling for Cisco AnyConnect SSL-VPN

Thousands of professionals and students connect to Cisco AnyConnect VPN every day. Sometimes the network configured by your admin may slow you down or block local network access. Split-tunneling is an easy way to control your network traffic and improve connection speed whilst working via VPN.
January 30, 2023
How Tos

3 Easy Ways You Can Use VPN for Work

VPN has a wide variety of different use cases which will enable you to work more productively using apps, tools and resources you most likely already have. In this guide, we're sharing 3 easy ways you can use VPN to simplify your everyday workflows and make the most out of…
October 10, 2022
Sophos XGS 107 firewallSophos

Set up VPN for a Sophos XGS Firewall

About the Sophos XGS Firewalls Sophos XG and XGS Next Generation Firewalls offer security-conscious business users high performance protection for their network. These powerful VPN firewalls come with a diverse spec designed to suit a range of use cases, from private home office and small business users to branch offices,…
September 26, 2022
Ubiquiti UniFi Dream MachineDevicesHow TosRoutersUbiquiti

Configure VPN for Ubiquiti UniFi

The Ubiquiti UniFi system covers a range of powerful yet affordable network management devices, suitable for home office users up to small-medium sized businesses. Discover the key specification for the most popular UniFi devices as well as step by step information on how to set up a VPN server on…
September 20, 2022
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